DJ Azex’s family blames the girlfriend, alleging a love triangle caused his death

DJ Azex’s family has accused his girlfriend and the latter’s male friend for his death. DJ Azex, also known as Akshay Kumar Maharana, was discovered hanging at his home in Kharvel Nagar, Bhubaneswar, on Saturday night. According to Manas Gadnayak, the ACP for Bhubaneswar Zone-1, a case has been opened based on the family members’ allegation. According to the first investigation, the dead DJ committed himself as a result of mental strain.

DJ Azex’s family claimed in the police station report they filed a day after his passing that he committed himself as a result of psychological pressure from his fiancée and her male buddy. The deceased’s family claims that Akshay had been dating his sweetheart, a student at a Bhubaneswar private medical college, for the last 12 months. According to the FIR, their Whatsapp conversation indicated that she was using Akshay to get money and was also requesting a two-wheeler from him.

Recently, DJ Azex used a PhonePe wallet to send Rs 15,000 to the girl’s account. According to the Complaint, the girl was also continuing her connection with a different individual, who allegedly threatened Akshay with leaving her or leaked their private recordings online.

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