(2nd October)
What About?

Inspiration has always set the ball rolling to progress by transcending boundaries. Indeed, it is the fount of all creative pursuits. It speaks volubly of our cherished values instead of the obsession with bulgy pay cheques. Agreed, leaders are born. But leadership has to be cultured and nurtured with the underpinnings of inspiration, commitment and vision. Leadership is intertwined with the values that distil the essence of a leader. Such values or attributes speak for themselves, spurring others to dream, learn, achieve and challenge their archetypal limits.
When you feel the urge to introspect, discover your rhythm and fuelled by your pent up passions to learn more, do more and be more like a super achiever, you are an ‘inspirational personality’.
Year after year, The Interview Times has been featuring the ‘Top 20 Most Inspirational Personalities of Odisha’, chronicling their achievements and documenting the trials and tribulations of their journey en route success. Such gleaming personalities have inspired us to be hooked to our mission and endowed us with the gusto to pursue our goals.
The Interview Times catapulted this awards show to the next level altogether. Its demands have been skyrocketing year after year. Over the years, it has felicitated more than hundreds of ‘Inspiring Personalities’ from different walks of life. Winning this award not only takes your profile a few notches higher but also gives you that edge among your peers.
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