FACTSYS, The Leading IT Company of Miss India Odisha inaugurates“Edusafe”

FACTSYS, The Leading IT Company of Miss India Odisha inaugurates“Edusafe”

Bhubaneswar : An IT company “Factsys Technology Pvt. Ltd.” of Shrutikshya Nayak, Femina Miss India Odisha, 2018 has inaugurated. This company will work on cyber security, Audit services and IT services.

Cyber hackers and crimes are increasing day by day. Keeping this in mind this company will work on cyber security services. Factsys will work on Building Product Innovation & Research along with the other companies under Global Group. In this ceremony “Edusafe” product was also launched. This is the video encryption software that is being used for Online Video Based Classes for preventing video privacy by encrypting the videos, only can be played through the “Edusafe” Video Player, No one can record the video nor break the encryption.

If someone is trying to record and misutilize the video then this will be detected through the software. In this event dignitaries like Mr Karuna Kar Nayak, Entrepreneur as well as Chairman of the company, another Managing Director as well as serial Entrepreneur Mr Deepak Kumar Nath were present. Company is working with the Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of Odisha and these kind of work will be done in the future was said from the company’s side.

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