Some individuals believe that all you have to do is work hard to attain your goals in life. Some people believe it all comes down to who you know and what you have. Others believe that some people are born with access and are given all of life’s breaks. Statistics show that those who set goals and follow a regular and consistent goal-setting process are far more likely to attain their life goals. If you are striving for the incorrect dream, no matter how hard you work, all of your efforts will simply get you to the wrong destination faster, which would be immensely frustrating. Regardless of your connections, you must constantly demonstrate to everyone that you were deserving of the opportunity in the first place. Proving your worth to others becomes tiresome after a while.
Today, we are talking with Mr. Sujeet Arya, MD of Prakash Transport Corporation. Cuttack is where he was born and raised. He had studied at Ravenshaw college and Stewart school. Hei had a wonderful childhood enjoying all the Cuttack street foods in an amicable environment. Prakash Transport is one of India’s pioneering and leading logistics service companies, with over 55 locations. They’ve been in business for more than three decades, and their expert promoters have extensive logistics knowledge. They have a very excellent reputation among their numerous principals in the public and private sectors, including Central and State Governments, various departments, and more than 300 commercial/ production firms around the country, due to their effective services and timely deliveries.
Moreover, they have very lucid vision. Our perspective is for the very long term, but it is too early to predict anything. in the next 5 years, our short term vision is to open 100 branches across India with a turnover of around 500 crores. Mr. Arya says Business is never simple, and there have been many ups and downs and hurdles throughout my professional career. However, only if you learn from your failures will these obstacles become a management institute for you. I believe that the most critical management institute in the world is the lessons you leam from your failures.
When it comes to the status of Odisha in transport, he says, there is abundant transportation scope everywhere in Odisha right now due to all the big steel players and other consumer industries coming up in Odisha. in addition, the government is making significant infrastructure investments. Therefore, there is a huge score. It has to do with your team’s effectiveness and how much you can adequately manage. All of their clients are a huge company which is across the globe.
At last, for me, it is a great honor and pride that I never expected in my life. My PTC team deserves credit. Thank you to all interview times members.