MGM Advanced Molecular Mucormycosis Laboratory Launched At L V Prasad Eye Institute In Bhubaneswar

MGM Advanced Molecular Mucormycosis Laboratory was launched at L V Prasad Eye Institute Bhubaneswar, a laboratory dedicated to research black fungus or mucormycosis and support in the treatment of the disease.

The facility – MGM Advanced Molecular Mucormycosis Laboratory has been set up and funded by the MGM Foundation. Director of MGM Foundation, Sabita Mohanty inaugurated the advanced research facility on the premises of L V Prasad Eye Institute in the Capital City.

In April, MGM Minerals Limited donated an amount of Rs 1 crore towards the Chief Minister’s Relief Fund for free Covid-19 vaccination for the people of Odisha.

Directors of MGM Foundation, Pankaj Lochan Mohanty, and Padma Lochan Mohanty were also present at the launch of the ‘Mucormycosis Laboratory’, which has been built at a cost of Rs 10.50 lakh. Even Senior doctors and L V Prasad Eye Institute Bhubaneswar officials were also present on the occasion and also congratulated MGM Foundation for the initiative.


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