Environmental awareness refers to the knowledge and understanding of the environment and the impact of human activities on it. It involves recognizing and acknowledging the importance of protecting the environment from pollution, degradation, and other harmful human practices. It also encompasses promoting sustainable living practices and taking action to preserve and protect natural resources for future generations. Environmental awareness aims to increase public understanding of environmental issues and encourage individuals and communities to take responsibility for their role in creating a greener, healthier world.
The place we live in forms the environment. Environment is the sum total of all the things that surround us. It is a set of relationships between and among all these things. Environmental awareness is to understand the fragility of our environment and the importance of its protection. Promoting environmental awareness is an easy way to become an environmental steward and participate in creating a brighter future for our children.
Environmental awareness is the ability to perceive and understand the environment around us. It is the understanding of how our actions impact the environment and how the environment impacts us. It includes an understanding of environmental concepts, principles, and laws. It also includes taking action to protect the environment.
Our environment is under constant threat. Our actions have a direct impact on the environment and the health of our planet. We need to be aware of the consequences of our actions if we want to protect our environment.
Environmental awareness is important for multiple reasons. Firstly, it is necessary for the survival of humans and other species. We depend on the environment for our food, water, and air. If we do not take care of the environment, we will not be able to survive. Secondly, environmental awareness is important for the health of our planet. The Earth is facing many environmental problems, such as climate change, pollution, and loss of biodiversity.
These problems are caused by human activity, and they are having a negative impact on the Earth’s ecosystems. If we do not take action to protect the environment, these problems will get worse and the Earth will become less habitable for humans and other species. Thirdly, environmental awareness is important for the future of our planet. Our actions today will have an impact on the future of the Earth. If we do not take care of the environment, we will leave a legacy of environmental problems for future generations.
It has come to my attention that our nation is in the middle of earth week. At a time when we all stop, as Indians, and take a look at all of the great accomplishments we have made that we could have possibly overlooked while running around with our busy schedules. We recognize our efforts to create powerful industries and production plants that produce endless chemical compounds and new materials. The discovery and use of fossil fuels, of which has fed our automobiles and at times added a protective coating to our shores and beaches. The men and women who clear the land and provide the materials for our homes. And what about electricity? The greatest discovery of all time. We must not forget about the men and women who spend hours on end getting in and out of those little white suits and rubber gloves to dispose of our radioactive waste. It is not so much that we recognize the great discoveries and creations we have made, but more that we recognize all we do as humans to ensure our plentiful and gluttonous lifestyles. Let’s face it. We as humans waste countless hours of gridlock traffic confined in our spacious and luxury suite of a car spreading pollution all around.
I think I speak for many people when I say that I can’t wait for the day when it finally warms up around here. While being an Indian has its advantages, it just seems to lack in the sunshine department, and what a better way to brighten up any day than with 200 degree weather. No more wasting snow days at school, no more long- sleeved shirts, and finally an end to all that SPF mumbo jumbo. You know that without an O-zone layer there is going to be nothing strong enough on the market to protect our delicate skin. They probably have some kind of pill I can take instead. Even if some of the polar ice caps do melt, that just means more beaches for us on our new glorious days of sunshine. So what if a few million people drown? I suppose earth week is just another form of the government keeping us down. We have become far too brainwashed when we start to feel guilty for living the life of careless slobs. Though, one week out of the year isn’t too bad to have to plant a tree or recycle your plastics. It is the ones who spend their time and money developing new, safer techniques to ensure the health of our planet that need our help the most. They just don’t seem to understand the detrimental importance of self-consciousness. We as citizens and human beings must take it upon ourselves to do something profound in this regard.
I am writing you in hopes of expressing a few concerns. Like it or not, climate change is a real thing and is increasing at an unnatural rate because of humans and their release of greenhouse gases such as CO2, Methane, Nitrous Oxide, Tropospheric Ozone, Chlorofluorocarbons, and Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs, HFC’s) .
Climate change is not something that should be labelled as a Democratic or Republican problem, instead all political groups should be worried about this topic. It can affect food production, water availability, wildlife and human health. Also, extreme weather conditions such as storms, tornadoes, and earthquakes will occur more often and they can damage roads and buildings. Unfortunately, to really help reduce our harm to the environment, we all have to believe climate change is real so we can stop fighting over if it is real or fake and focus all our efforts to switching to clean renewable energy and promote laws that help maintain a healthy and clean environment.
Let’s ignore the risk that climate change has on health though, let’s focus on how a worsening climate would affect the economy. Even if we had a magic fix that stopped more greenhouse gases from entering our atmosphere, climate change would still be taking effect. The oceans would not magically become healthy again, glaciers would not just form where they used to be, and biodiversity will not just bounce back to what it used to be.
We as humans have damaged the earth beyond repair in some ways. We must limit ourselves to the extent we incur damage to our Mother Nature, who is suffering because of her own children. If we don’t do this, it won’t be long before death knocks at our door.
When it comes to climate change, Climate change is not a new concept. It has been mostly referred to as global warming in the past. As much as people would like to file this issue away as something to deal with at a later date, it simply cannot wait. This problem we face is costing us billions of dollars, forests and wildlife are being eliminated, and people are dying. Starting to sound like a big deal, right? Future generations will be affected the most. People who do not even exist will have to pay for what we, all people, have done to this earth. To begin to make changes, one must realize the severity of the issue. Bill Mckibben, author of “Recalculating the Climate Math,” conveys that “We’ve already raised the world’s temperature by one degree—enough to melt almost half the ice in the Arctic, kill off huge swaths of the world’s coral, and unleash lethal floods and drought. July and August tied for the hottest months ever recorded on our planet, and scientists think they were almost certainly the hottest in the history of human civilization”. Global climate change is a serious problem because it increases natural disasters and is the cause of extreme weather.
Now, to the so-called people who claim to be great environmentalists, the so-called protectors of MOTHER NATURE, and the governments and organisations who claim to have done so much in this regard, give yourselves a round of applause for what you have done.
It’s great that politicians and big leaders talk big about environmental awareness, global warming, climate change, etc., but do nothing about it. What a great sight leaders attending conferences on this topic via flights and private jets, then travel in a petrol diesel car instead of a CNG or electric vehicle. There’s nothing like walking through the park in the summertime, and seeing all the beautiful garbage scattered in the grass. It’s even better when you see the little bunnies chewing on that plastic wrapper someone left on the ground. Also, it’s just wonderful when you’re driving and you see someone throwing a cigarette butt out their window. Don’t you think so? Knowing that littering destroys wildlife is just one of the perks. When birds are carrying back plastic bags to make their nest, it’s such a pleasant sight. Sometimes, when the animals don’t get to the garbage us humans carelessly throw around, it washes into the storm drains that lead into the ocean. Seeing plastic six pack rings around fishes in the ocean just warms my heart, knowing that people are doing their best to help with the population control. There are too many animals in nature anyway. Another positive effect of littering is having a filthy water supply. When you see a factory dumping waste into a river or stream, it will eventually make its way into our tap water, how delicious! It’s like they’re putting a little bit of flavouring in it for whoever drinks it, it’s just so thoughtful.
In addition, when waste is dumped, it usually kills the animals in the water, so you don’t have to worry about fishes swimming around in your drinking water. The big shot company owners are always thinking about the little people. What a great achievement na. Hats off to the so called great environment protectors, they are the only ones who care for mother nature. Well done guys.
Wake up to reality people, otherwise there won’t be anything left to save and protect.
I’ll conclude here with a poem
The mother who created everything,
The mother who created life and gave birth to the earth is in pain today
The ever smiling mother is upset today
Once full of life is now devoid of life.
We her children are the ones who inflict pain everyday,
We her children make her cry everyday,
By wasting and destroying her magical creations,
It is us who inflict her pain.
Our mother she is, our life she is yet we ruin her beauty everyday,
We call her mother yet we destroy everything she created.
What an irony it is,
The children she loves are the ones who trouble her the most,
A creator she is yet we her kids tend to dominate her,
Oh! What a pity on us that we are pitying her, who created us.
Instead of curing her pain and wiping her tears,
We inflict more and more pain,
The biggest irony is today we think ourselves as God dominating upon and destroying Her who is in Herself the MOTHER OF ALL.
Still she loves us, feeds us and cares for us, and protect us,
That is what she is, A MOTHER.
Dying each and everyday yet full of life for us,
Not understanding her value in our life, we ignore the detrimental consequences of our action.
Wake up and do something otherwise it won’t be long before we lose ourselves to her,
Because if creator she is, then destroyer is she,
She is the creation, the creator and the destroyer.