Public Financial Management System (PFMS) Division of Office of Controller General of Accounts (CGA) under Ministry of Finance organized a workshop on Public Finance Management System (PFMS) to generate awareness among the officials on the functioning and achievements of the system at Jaydev Bhawan in Bhubaneswar.
Technical workshops on the Single Nodal Account (SNA) model and Receipt Expenditure Advance Transfer (REAT) module were organized. Representatives from the State Bank of India, Canara Bank, ICICI Bank and Axis Bank also gave presentations on their value addition in the SNA model. Rajinder Chaudhry, Additional Director General of Press Information Bureau and Akhil Kumar Mishra, Additional Director General of Regional Outreach Bureau, Bhubaneswar graced the inaugural and valedictory ceremony respectively.
According to the official reports, Deepak Das, Controller General of Accounts (CGA) who was the chief guest stated that the Government of India has introduced PFMS to bring accountability and transparency in the governance. DBT abolished the middlemen system and ensured direct benefit transfer to the beneficiaries and here PFMS worked as the most important tool to deliver financial services.
He then congratulated Odisha for completing 100 per cent onboarding in the PFMS and said that Odisha is among the six states which have successfully implemented the PFMS in the entire nation.
Vishal Kumar Dev, Principal Secretary, Department of Finance stated that PFMS has achieved many landmarks over the years in the management of Public Finance.
Dharitri Panda, Additional Controller General of Accounts, Amitabh Tripathi, Joint Controller General of Accounts, Sanchita Shukla, Joint Controller General of Accounts, Manish Raut, Assistant Controller General of Accounts, Shri Navneet Kumar, Assistant Controller General of Accounts among others also attended the event.
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