Mental fortitude leads to mental tranquillity. Being mentally strong is managing your thoughts rather than allowing them to rule you. Peace is something that is constantly there inside your head; it is neither something you produce nor something that just happens. Mental fortitude enables you to refocus your attention and think about something less harmful so you don’t get caught up in self-loathing and humiliation. You have the ability to control your need to sarcastically react to your spouse’s remark with a humorous jab of your own by either saying nothing or adamantly stating that you don’t like the sarcasm.
Of course, some parts of your mind are beyond your control. Gaining mental fortitude doesn’t necessarily imply having total control over your thoughts. Like a certain memory coming to mind or you experiencing an unreasonable fear. It’s possible that you have no influence over whether a random worry appears in your head. But you have the power to decide whether to keep fretting about it. Knowing which aspects of your mind you can manage and being able to do so successfully when it counts are both signs of mental power. You have no control over whether someone will say anything hurtful to you. However, you have complete control over your answer.
One of the numerous advantages of developing mental strength is that it’s one of the finest methods to enhance emotional well-being. Learning to manage your worrying thought patterns is the only method to reduce anxiety over the long run. Only if you learn to manage your ruminative thought patterns will you be able to regulate your rage issues. Without understanding how to control your mental habit of self-criticism, it is difficult to stop the cycle of low self-esteem.
You must develop your mental fortitude if you want to be emotionally robust. Too much mental time travel is the main cause of emotional pain. But mental time travel… What’s that?
The incredible capacity to imagine the future or recall previous events from memory is known as mental time travel. Sometimes it helps us to reflect on what took place at a specific moment in time, on a specific event, or to predict what the future may hold. However, it becomes an issue when it goes out of control and starts selectively recalling only unpleasant previous events or conjuring only unfavourable future scenarios. If you’re trying to reduce anxiety and fall asleep at 2:00 in the morning, it’s probably not a good idea to lie in bed and think about all the possible negative effects of not getting enough sleep tonight for your interview the next morning.
So, despite the fact that you’ve had success with mental time travel in certain areas of your life, you can’t assume that it will be beneficial to you in all of them.
Anxiety: The majority of worry is caused by unproductive future thinking. Additionally, just because projecting unfavourable scenarios into the future might be useful in certain situations doesn’t imply it won’t be completely useless in others. Therefore, the key to reducing your worry is choosing when to utilize your tool of envisioning issues in the future with more wisdom.
Shame: Self-criticism and self-judgment are strong mental habits that frequently underlie depression and low self-esteem. Reflecting on previous errors, for instance, may be quite beneficial and useful in some circumstances and to a certain extent, if rather unpleasant. However, if you allow that same mental habit to run amok, it may be quite harmful.
Aggressiveness and Resentment: Just as thinking about your own deficiencies can readily develop into damaging self-criticism, thinking about the flaws and errors of others may easily turn into excessive amounts of anger, resentment, aggressiveness, and conflict.
Mindful presence is the best remedy for this damaging tendency of selective time travel. Develop the capacity to pay attention in the here and now.