The National Film Award 2021 for Best Feature Film in Odia went to Pratikshya (The Wait).Rajat Kamal and a cash prize of Rs. 1,000,000 make up the prize. Anupam Patnaik, the son of renowned Odia film maker and director Amiya Patnaik, is the director of the screen adaptation of the short tale “Bapa” by prominent writer and journalist Gourahari Das, recipient of a Sahitya Akademi award.
The movie was made by Amiya Patnaik Productions and starred Dipanwit Dashmohapatra, Choudhury Jayprakash Das, Barsha Patnaik, Sreela Tripathy, Roopambika Nayak, Susil Mishra, Abakash Mishra, and Sidhant Mohapatra in a cameo role. Additionally, the movie won best narrative at the 11th Annual DC South Asian Film Festival held in Washington in 2022.
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