On June 15, Aamir Khan hosted a reunion of the ‘Lagaan’ cast at his house to commemorate the film’s 21st anniversary. Aamir Khan’s production uploaded a video of the ‘Lagaan’ team’s personal celebrations on social media. Aamir, director Ashutosh Gowariker, and actors Yashpal Sharma, Akhilendra Mishra, Rajendranath Zutshi, and others can be seen chatting in the video. Former Indian cricketers Irfan Pathan and Aakash Chopra were also present.Aamir Khan’s production crew captioned the photo, “#21YearsOfLagaan.”Shankar Pandey, Raja Awasthi, Suhasini Mulay, Pradeep Ram Singh Rawat, and Amin Gazi also attended the private meeting. ‘Lagaan,’ directed by Ashutosh Gowarikar, was nominated for Best Foreign Language at the 74th Academy Awards and gained considerable critical and commercial success. It was the country’s third nomination in the category, following Mother India (1957) and Salaam Bombay! (1988).
By Subhechcha Ganguly
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