English kit distributed and saplings planted at Anganwadi Centre

In an joint initiative of Dhenkanal Conscious Citizen forum Hindol branch and Sri Aurobindo Jiban School, Panchapada, plantation program was conducted and english kits were distributed to students at Aganwadi centre-2 situated in Panchapada. The event was attended by Dhenkanal MP Mahesh Sahoo as Chief Guest.WhatsApp Image 2021-10-27 at 1.55.06 PM(2)Shri Sahoo in his address said that Education is the backbone of the society and appreciated the work of Dhenkanal Conscious Citizen forum and also called for planting of medicinal plants like lemon.WhatsApp Image 2021-10-27 at 1.55.06 PM(1)Chief Speaker Advocate Diptish Pattnaik joined the event and address himself as the son of Hindol and said about the programmes undertaken during the time of Covid-19 like distributing dry food in slum areas, mask, sanitizer and soap distribution, providing food to birds and animals and gave detail information about it.WhatsApp Image 2021-10-25 at 4.40.13 PMHindol Sub-Collector Shri Udaya Kumar Mohapatra joined the event as guest and appreciated the Seva works of the organization. Hindol Branch President Manoj Panigrahi, secretary Manoranjan Pal, DCCF Secretary Bharat kumar Das, working president Surendra Mishra and other members and officials of the organization were present.

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