Neha Sarah is an eminent author who has expertise in several fields like Psychological Thriller, and poetry. Working in fields like Editing and Freelance Content she has gained tremendous expertise . Let us know more about her in this interview.
Q1) How did you understand your calling as an author ? What was your first writing experience ?
Ans : I have always been a keen reader and as I read stories, I was inspired to write a few of my own. Initially I started out with short stories and poems for my school magazine. I was motivated by my family and teachers to pursue my creativity and that is how the writer in me was born.
Q2) How did you decide the plot for “It is I”. Give us a short brief about the book .
Ans : ‘It Is I’ is a psychological thriller based on the concept of Dissociative Identity Disorder. It is the story of a girl named Tiara, who because of childhood trauma has developed this mental health issue and how this illness consumes her, shapes her actions and future.
I have a Master’s degree in Psychology and while I did my specialization in Organizational Behaviour, I have always found Clinical Psychology interesting. When I decided to write this book, it was but obvious that I turned to my fascination with mental health issues for the storyline.
Q3) Nowadays a majority of the youth is much more focused on social media rather than reading books. What is your view on this topic ?
Ans : I think it is extremely sad. There is something about books that social media would never be able to compete with. I feel books are like a universal passport that give us the opportunity to travel the world and meet different people from the comfort of our homes. They not only help facilitate imagination but also help us be more articulate in the way we express ourselves. I don’t think social media would ever be able to inspire me the way books do.
Q4) Kindly attach the link of your book so that the readers can get a grasp on these beautiful read. You have mentioned about your hobby of reading. If you have to chose between reading and writing ,what would it be and why?
Ans : The link for the book is –
I would never be able to choose between reading and writing. Both of these are integral parts of who I am and one without the other is not a possibility at all. I would feel incomplete as a person if I had to choose either one.
Q5) We know that there is a lot of hard work that goes behind the launching of books .From preparing the final manuscript to writing the first draft till publishing. Tell us how your experience was and to whom would you dedicate your success in this entire process?
Ans : Unfortunately, for me the entire publishing experience has been a nightmare because of the unprofessionalism displayed by the Publishers I chose. To a great extent I feel that my book still hasn’t received its due recognition because the publisher refuses to cooperate. Whatever little success and exposure the book has got is entirely because of the untiring efforts of my family and friends in helping me promote it.
I still have a long way to go before I can call this a success but one thing for sure – the success of my book is and will always be dedicated to my family and friends.