In Conversation with Famous Podcaster – Meena Sripada


Meena Sripada

How did you start your journey in Podcast ?

I started because I want to help bring awareness to the world of addiction, depression, and recovery and a lot of things. I am still a learning student but I listen to many stories from teenagers to aged people. I even heard from Addicts “ you know what I mean” and also studied cases on people who suffer from societal., social, family standards. Those were the people I listened to . And as I participate in many counselling events, internships, workshop they were people who made it to recovery and maintaining being medication and therapies. Also I’m familial with few of the people, incidents they share, trauma they undergo. I hope by sharing my heart and experiences with others they can see HOPE in getting healthy and living a happy life. Not only about brining awareness on such topics but also wanted to utilize this platform to share my learnings, books, poetry every useful stuff to my listeners.

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How do you make your audience understand your story ?

Being honest, I share my stories, the stories which I heard, saw, faced which are genuine. I don’t want to attract audience by telling futile stories . I make them understand by giving a situation, a situation which everyone in some phase or the other would have faced. My podcasts is all about Connecting, Creating , Acknowledging and Healing. In fact I want to people to take part in my podcast and as you listen to season:2 podcast of mine I had my very close participants who shared their stories. So yeah!!

What are the several topics you like to make podcasts on ?

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*Educational systems,

*On books and its learnings ( in fact my season :3 podcast is all bout My books and its learnings)

* Generational variations.

* Children Mindset

* About why therapies are important.

* A dedicated season on BHAGAWTGITA.

* About skilled, talented, un recognized personalities.

* About temples, Indian culture.

* About Spiritualism.

* About Creator, Preserver and Destructor… many more


How did you think about starting your journey in Podcast?                                                                                                                

I neither planned for it nor think about it previously until I started my first season. It was random, unexpected, spontaneous action of mine.. But later while doing podcasts and also when I received a good amount of recognition I figured out doing this podcast for everyone’s benefit and I  had later challenged myself and share what I really like with people and who also connect with it. I figured out the purpose to share.  And I also went the podcast route for the record of it, to see how I progressed and something to look back on fondly and having pride in the fact that I actually did it! Understand, talking to people…public speaking…being, in anyway, vulnerable to strangers and speaking in front of strangers, has always been a special kind of interest for me, to know about them and making them feel a bit relived.


What makes your podcast different from others ?

Being original, Being bold, Being real and able to connect with people.

I believe in this :Being original is authentic than being perfect or being impressive. I’m happy if I get 100 listeners who would connect with me. They give you their time and attention for free, and you owe it to them to provide them content that doesn’t suck.

What advice would you give to youngsters , who want to take podcast up in the future ?

Come on, share what you want to share, utilize this platform in such a way that it helps to change their life. until or unless you don’t hurt anyone it is one of the best platform to share what you are.Focus on your content, make sure most of the people resonates with it. Share and send links to in their personal messages. Create interesting trailers and videos.

Interview By Subhechcha Ganguly

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