Actress Rashmika Mandanna, who is rumoured to be dating Vijay Deverakonda, recently discussed their relationship and dubbed all the rumours surrounding them as “sweet.” The actor also made a hint that she will work with Vijay once more soon. The actor is about to make her Bollywood debut with the forthcoming comic drama Goodbye.
When asked about the dating rumours in an interview with Mashable, Rashmika responded, “It is all so cute no. Like Aiyoo Babu, I am. It is adorable. The 26-year-old performer claimed that she and Vijay are similar people who developed close while collaborating on multiple films and share professional acquaintances. “He has this group in Hyderabad, and I do too. And we have a lot of pals in common. That is how it is. When everyone is saying “Rashmika and Vijay,” that is adorable, she continued.
She remarked, “I have to work with him very soon,” when asked about working with the Liger actor again. We ought to tell the tale if there is one for us. It should be enjoyable. We are talented performers, therefore we won’t let the directors down.
Earlier, Vijay and Ananya Panday, his co-star from the movie Liger, made an appearance on Koffee with Karan. Ananya revealed details regarding Vijay’s love life on the programme, saying, “He is in a haste… rush to see Mika Singh.” We worked on two movies together when I was pretty young, the man remarked. I adore her and think she is adorable. We have a great friendship. Through movies, we may share a lot of highs and lows.
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