The Subhadra Yojana, a financial aid program, will be introduced by the Odisha government on September 17 at Janata Maidan in Bhubaneswar. At the event, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will give the recipients their Subhadra cards. The Subhadra Yojana State Level Management Committee met under the direction of Chief Secretary Manoj Ahuja in order to assess work progress and make sure the program is carried out smoothly. Shubha Sharma, principal secretary of the department of women and Child Development, gave a status report on the arrangements.
The preparation of the venue, parking, traffic control, transit, pass distribution, and media management were among the topics covered in the conference. The Chief Secretary underlined that for the state-level meeting to be successfully conducted, subcommittees must coordinate and work together. On September 4, applicants’ completed applications will be collected to start the Subhadra Yojana application process. During the meeting, the essential measures were made to guarantee a seamless application procedure.
Beneficiaries will receive the first installment of financial support on September 17, a major milestone in the implementation of the Subhadra Yojana.
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