During a city police search in Mumbai’s Palghar area, more than 700 kg of mephedrone valued over 1,400 crore were confiscated. Five people were detained in connection with the crime, including a 55-year-old post-graduate in organic chemistry who synthesised mephedrone in Nashik and distributed it from a commercial tenement in Nalasopara. This is one of Maharashtra’s largest mephedrone seizures in a year.The raid at the Nalasopara facility was carried out by the Anti-Narcotics Cell (ANC) of the criminal section of the Mumbai Police, he said. Cops claim that the defendants used to manufacture the drugs in a factory before selling them through their agents and making millions of dollars.
Input was given to the ANC’s Worli unit in March of this year as a result of the capture of a drug dealer from the Mumbai neighbourhood of Govandi. At the time, 250 grammes of mephedrone had been found on him. The lady and another person were detained, and 2.760 kg of mephedrone were confiscated, the official said. During his interrogation, the ANC authorities discovered that additional people were participating in the unlawful business.
Mephedrone is a synthetic stimulant and psychoactive drug that is illegal under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act. It is often referred to as “meow meow” or “MD.”The chief drug lord resides in Nalasopara with his wife and two kids. He operated under the premise that orders for less than 25 kg had to be paid for in advance. Following an order, these medicines were distributed around the city.
By Subhechcha Ganguly
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