Covid-19 caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes respiratory disease in humans. The Covid-19 pandemic has greatly impacted people’s lives.
During the second wave, health experts noted a unique trend. Cardiac and neurological diseases are on the rise as a result of post-Covid illness. These health problems have increased since the second wave of Covid-19. Since Covid-19 is a respiratory or lung disease, heart-related problems are on the rise. Covid-19 infection primarily affects the lungs, but effects on several other organs, particularly the brain, have been observed.
After the pandemic, brain diseases such as stroke and benign brain tumors are on the rise. After the second wave, there is a slight increase in heart and brain problems. In humans, more blood clots are observed in the heart and brain.
Children also suffer from brain diseases such as tumors and birth defects. Over 1,000 brain tumors are diagnosed in India every year which is the highest number in the world. The incidence of stroke is also in peak.
About 90% of people with moderate to severe infections have lasting effects on their hearts. Heart attacks and heart failure are common, and deaths from heart disease have also been observed to increase significantly after Covid.