As she urged people to drink cow milk and abstain from alcohol, senior Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Uma Bharti on Thursday tied stray cows in front of a liquor store in the Madhya Pradesh town of Orchha and fed them hay. Bharti held up the sign, “Sharab Nahi, Doodh Piyo” (drink milk, not liquor), in front of the store selling Indian-made foreign liquor (IMFL) in Orchha, Niwari district.The BJP leader had thrown cow excrement at the same booze store in June of previous year.
The former chief minister insisted that the government shouldn’t profit from the drinking habit while leading a campaign against alcohol use in the BJP-ruled state. A salesperson at the store promptly took down the shutters, ostensibly out of concern about a repetition of the 2022 occurrences. The leader said that she was partly to blame for the pervasive drinking problem and recalled that she had campaigned for the BJP in the 2003 Assembly elections. Since then, the party has been in power in MP with the exception of 15 months from 2018 to 2020 when the Congress controlled the state.
Uma Bharti declared last month that she would remain in Bhopal until January 31 in order to wait for the declaration of the liquor policy. A notable location in front of the temple is a booze store. The Madhya Pradesh government is soon to release a new excise policy, according to expectations. Chouhan had stated the new excise policy would prevent drinking while speaking at a Republic Day event.
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