In Conversation with Som, author of “MUSINGS”

There are few authors whose writings create a special space in the heart of millions of people whose love for the written word has special affinity and resonance. Som is one such person!

Apart from being a writer, Som has interest in Poetry and Music and is a Life Coach by profession and his self professed credo of transforming people to be the best version of themselves!

Let us know more about his journey in Writing .

Q1) How did you understand your calling as an author ? What was your first writing experience ?

My creative instincts, nurtured over years, found manifestation in writing poetry, prose and song writing. My writings were carried in school and college magazines and subsequently, on a blog page and a YouTube music channel. It’s been with me ever since  I was a child!

Q2) How did you decide the plot for “Musings”. Give us a short brief about the book .

This Anthology has been in the works for some time now and shaped by experiences with people, events, both happy and sad. The moment of truth came when my sister passed away due to cancer and I realized how fickle life could be! She was a great supporter of my writings and being an accomplished Academician herself, always wanted me to publish my works. This is a dedication to her and her memory!


Q3) What got you writing in the first place?

 My love for expressing my inner feelings through the written word and my ability to resonate with people and experiences through my own prism.

 Q4) Nowadays a majority of the youth is much more focused on social media rather than reading books. What is your view on this topic ?

True and sad! However  there will always be space for the feel, the smell, the love of travelling and living a journey through the pages! I always encourage people, especially children, to take to reading books!

Q5) Kindly attach the links of your book so that the readers can get a grasp on these beautiful reads.

Q6) We know that there is a lot of hard work that goes behind the launching of books .From preparing the final manuscript to writing the first draft till publishing. Tell us how your experience was and to whom would you dedicate your success in this entire process?

My inspiration came from my Sister who pushed me into putting

all my poems and quotes into a book form. It was a steady process of sifting through and assimilation of my most meaningful writings. Thereafter, I worked with a Publisher for formatting and designing and finally  publishing and promoting my book.My experience of going through the entire process has been gratifying and a life changer! I’ve lived my dream!

More to follow…

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