The Indian Navy’s new ensign was unveiled by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Kochi on Friday to coincide with the commissioning of India’s first indigenous aircraft carrier (IAC-1), INS Vikrant.
The St. George Cross has been removed from the new Indian naval flag to clean up its “colonial past”. Instead, the upper canton bears the tricolor coat of arms. The coat of arms is surrounded by an octagonal shield and rests on an anchor. Beneath it is the Navy’s motto, “Sam No Varunah.” Inspired by the coat of arms of the Indian emperor Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, the gold frame surrounding the coat of arms indicates immobility. The octagon on the coat of arms is designed to represent his eight directions, symbolizing the Indian Navy’s multi-directional range and multi-dimensional operational capabilities.
The new flag is the successor to the pre-independence Indian Navy flag and features the cross of St. George on a white background with the Tricolour in the canton .
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