Seven visually impaired cricket players from Odisha were honored on Friday by Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik for their outstanding performances in the just concluded IBSA World Games 2023 in Birmingham, England. The ladies from Odisha who competed for the Indian women’s team that won the gold medal, Padmini Tudu, Basanti Hansda, Jhili Birua, and Phula Soren, each received a monetary award of Rs 20 lakh from Chief Minister Patnaik as a reward for their remarkable achievements.
As members of the Indian Men’s team that won the silver medal, MD. Jafar Iqbal, Nakula Badanayak, and Pankaj Bhue from the State each received Rs. 15 lakh.
Congratulating the cricketers, CM Patnaik said, “The players have made us all proud with their outstanding achievements in spite of all the challenges they faced in reaching this level. Their remarkable talent, dedication, and hard work is an inspiration for all.”
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