Chief Minister Mohan Majhi clarified on Tuesday, amid intense criticism for his remarks that ruled out the formation of an Orissa High Court bench. He said that the matter is being considered and that the government is dedicated to giving the people prompt justice.
CM Majhi stated in the state assembly that there is no reason to establish a high court bench anywhere in Odisha in accordance with the Supreme Court of India’s ruling in response to a question from BJD leader Kalikesh Narayan Singh Deo regarding the opening of an Orissa High Court circuit bench in Balangir.
CM Majhi stated in the state assembly that there is no reason to establish a high court bench anywhere in Odisha in accordance with the Supreme Court of India’s ruling in response to a question from BJD leader Kalikesh Narayan Singh Deo regarding the opening of an Orissa High Court circuit bench in Balangir.
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