Odisha Medical Student Made To Guinness Book of World Records Again


Sachin Behera, a medical student from the State, has made it to the Guinness Book of World Records by performing 204 knee strikes in three minutes in the 5kg ankle weight category. He achieved the feat in a special programme arranged on the premises of Buddha Temple at Unit-9 in Bhubaneswar.

The 21-year-old, son of Laxmi Prasad Behera and Arati Behera, from Lakra village under Boden block of Nuapada district has broken the record of Pakistan’s boxer Muhammad Rashid in full contact knee strikes wearing 5 kg ankle weight.

Rashid had set the record of 178 full contact knee strikes wearing 5 kg ankle weight using alternate legs in three minutes on June 21, 2020. Sachin broke the record by doing 204 knee strikes in three minutes.

Sachin who is currently pursuing his internship at Hi-Tech Medical College and Hospital in physiotherapy in the Capital City, said, “The record was earlier held by Pakistan’s Muhammad Rashid who performed 178 knee strikes. I broke the record by doing 204 knee strikes. I had worked really hard to achieve the challenging feat and I am extremely happy for entering the Guinness Book of World Records,” the knee striker added.

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