” Running “- A sport that can give us massive benefits

Running on toes or heels? Studies suggest this one technique to be better to run faster | The Times of India

Running is a very common sport worldwide. This sport is not only followed by the youth but also the middle agead and adults. Why is running considered as one of the sports that can give you maximum benefits.

Helps in strengthening your bones

Sprint or Running is a weight bearing excercize . Thus it helps to stregthen your bone and give you good support. It is also a great excercize for people who wants to stay fit and wants to excercize in short durations.

Should you walk or run for exercise? Here's what the science says. - Vox

It helps in maintaining a healthy weight

Running helps to shed the extra calories and maintain a healthy weight. A person who actively is invilved in running has lower chances of experiencing obesity than others who don’t.  Also in the fast paced world a lot of youngsters often have fast food and thus there lies the problem of over weight. One can inculcate the habit of running so that it can help them manage the calories .

How to Start Running Again | Return to Running After a Break

Running positively affects the mental health

This generation is always busy with their work and often stays occupied. Thus taking care of their mental health is a big challenge for them.  “Running” as an excercize is proven to lower down stress. There are several clubs and groups that have been considering 15 minutes run with the members and with their friends helps to reduce stress to a large amount.

What are good warm up exercises to do before a run? - Quora

While we have talked about the several benefits of running . Let us also know the methods of warm up and cool down.  Warmup is basically a process done before running to make sure that the mobility of the muscles in not abrupt while you start this sport. A proper warmup helps to curb a lot of injuries that one can experience within this sport. Similarly cooling down is a process one should do after running so that your body recovers and the muscles get enough rest.

By Subhechcha Ganguly

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