In a heartbreaking Instagram post former Miss Universe and Bollywood actor Sushmita Sen has formally announced her break up with long time boyfriend Rohman Shawl. Rohman Shawl and Sushmita Sen were dating for couple of years now and everything seemed good among them. Their relationship made headlines as Rohman Shawl was 15 years junior to Sushmita. However, they proved that age is just a number for love and had a great relationship together.
Sushmita shared a picture with Rohman on social media writing, “We began as friends, we remain friends!! The relationship was long over…the love remains!! #nomorespeculations (sic).”
Sushmita had earlier revealed that she met Rohman through social media, who messaged her on one of the platforms. There is a 15-year age gap between the two but Rohman had hid it from Sushmita at first, as the actress had revealed. Earlier, there were wedding rumours of the two as well. Rohman attended all the family events with Sushmita and her two daughters.
Talking of their relationship, Rohman had shared that even though they are not married, they were like a family. He had told ETimes, “Sushmita, her daughters (Renee and Alisah) and I are a family already. Sometimes, I am like a father to the kids, sometimes, I am a friend to them, and at times, we fight, too. We live like a normal family, and we enjoy that.”
Story By- Saayak Karmakar, Resident Editor, Interview Times
Image Source- Google
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