With the World Bank Mission Team on EAP, Odisha holds a wrap-up meeting

On Wednesday, the Lok Seva Bhawan in Bhubaneswar had a wrap-up meeting with the World Bank Mission Team on Externally Aided Project (EAP) – Odisha State Capability and Resilient Growth. DC-cum-ACS Anu Garg presided over the meeting, which was also attended by the Principal Secretaries of Finance and Electronics & IT as well as other senior members of the Finance Department of the Government of Odisha and representatives from the World Bank Mission Team.

Garg concentrated on hastening the implementation of this WB-funded EAP, which aims to shield poor and vulnerable households in Odisha from the effects of economic and climatic shocks. This would be made possible by improved disaster risk management and greater use of digital data for resilience, service delivery, and planning. On July 14 of this year, the Indian government and the World Bank inked this deal.

The project’s anticipated cost is Rs. 1183 crore, while the state government would contribute Rs. 367 crore. The World Bank has proclaimed OSCRGP to be in effect from August 11. On December 27, the state Cabinet gave its blessing to this initiative.

This EAP will support the government’s initiatives in three areas, including improving data quality through the Directorate of Economics and Statistics (DES), expanding the scope of an adaptive social protection system, and disaster risk management planning and programs through the Odisha State Disaster Management Authority (OSDMA), R&DM Department, Electronics & IT Department, and better data quality. The accomplishments of the relevant line agencies will be evaluated by an Independent Verification Agent (IVA).

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