Lokesh Makhijani has curated the beautiful book “ The innovation and immortal memory”. He is pursuing his graduation and believes whatever success he has got in life is because of his parents. Let us know more about him in this interview.
Q1) How did you understand your calling as an author ? What was your first writing experience ?
I was not particularly fond of writing but people used to say that I talk very well and that is why I came up with an idea that I should put my words in a book and when I tried to do all this, in the beginning people who After some time the same people praised and said that the story is worth reading. What was it then, on hearing this, I reached the seventh heaven, so just from there I felt that at least I can write something, I can do something, if not a big one, I can leave a slight impression. So at that time I felt that Lokesh Makhijani should be put on an orthral.
Q2) How did you decide the plot for “The innovation and Immortal Memory”. Give us a short brief about the book .
Would you believe if I say that my dreams gave me the idea of my plot but it is true. I have a strange habit, if I have any dream which is related to science or there are some things in which it is difficult to believe, then that dream automatically remains in my mind and many times I wake up and write them. I don’t know why it has started getting saved in my memory for a long time. If seen, I found the plot in my dreams, but when I made that plot from paragraph to chapter and chapter to chapter, I myself did not know. But yes, while writing the book, I definitely understood one thing that the world which is in our thinking definitely exists somewhere.
It can also be that our thinking is unknowingly right but creates a new universe, I do not have any scientific facts about this, but I believe that our thinking is many times better than our thinking and many such Can do things that we have not even thought of.
Q3) Nowadays a majority of the youth is much more focused on social media rather than reading books. What is your view on this topic ?
Giving more time to social media than books is not a topic on which my opinion can change, but yes, I think that if we have to live many lives at the same time, then this work should be done only with the help of good books. Maybe not from YouTube Facebook Instagram because these are only our memories which make us feel our age and we can feel these things in other way only by reading books.
Q4) Kindly attach the link of your book so that the readers can get a grasp on these beautiful reads.
Q5) We know that there is a lot of hard work that goes behind the launching of books .From preparing the final manuscript to writing the first draft till publishing. Tell us how your experience was and to whom would you dedicate your success in this entire process?
The journey of writing a book was actually very difficult because there are so many possibilities running through your mind at the same time and the most difficult thing is to choose one of them.One has to choose so that the reader is not disappointed.But if you really want to live in the thinking of some people, then it takes a lot of hard work.And I would like to thank all those people who put their trust in me my sisters my friends and my girlfriend thanks to all.
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