The much anticipated movie of Junior NTR , Ram Charan Teja directed by the legend Rajamouli hit the screens 10 days back. Since then, every day the movie has been performing massively at box office, creating records everyday. The movie was a visual treat and a technical masterpiece. It was not only possible to the great vision of SS Rajamouli but also due to the hard work of the technicians who put day in and day out to make the movie look majestic. Therefore, to reward their hard work Ram Charan Teja has gifted 35 technicians gold coins as a token of respect.
Before leaving for Mumbai, the star invited as many as 35 technicians who have worked on the Rajamouli directorial for a luncheon at his place. As reported, Charan had a brief chat with the heads of various departments as he had invited the technicians from the cinematography, direction, and other departments.
Charan surprised them all by gifting each of them a gold coin weighing 1 tola (11.6 gms). This gesture by Ram Charan has sure won the hearts. Ram Charan, then headed to Mumbai, where he was received by a huge mob, fans, and others, who wished him glorious success for ‘RRR’.
Story By- Saayak Karmakar, Resident Editor, Interview Times
Image Source- Google
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