Less than 1% of coronavirus patients are on the ventilator, and less than 2% patients in ICU, the number of COVID patients in India who require intensive care and more facilities these days and not even getting a bed and proper care if the current epidemic growth pattern continues then the situation will be out of control.
The union health ministry of Sunday gives a report in-country COVID-19 patient 4.01 lakh, with recovered cases now 7.24 lakh and death exceed 28,000.
“Almost 80% of the asymptomatic and mild cases have been advised home isolation under medical supervision. Moderate and severe patients are being treated in either the dedicated COVID Hospitals or dedicated COVID Health Centres. India has seen a steady increase in the number of patients recovering from COVID. In the last 24 hours, 35,942 were cured and discharged. This has resulted in 67.33% of total positive cases recovering. 7.5 lakhs patients have recovered, to date,’’ the Ministry said, adding that ‘Testing, Tracing and Treatment’ remains the cornerstone of India’s fight against COVID-19.
The world health organization is trying to provide more infrastructures for the better quality of treatment. Admitted patients are being continuously augmented across the country, with India now having 1,383 ‘Dedicated COVID Hospitals’, 3,107 ‘Dedicated COVID Healthcare Centres’, and 10,382 ‘COVID Care Centres’.
Sujatha K Rao, former Union health secretary, who is really looking into this COVID matter put a statement,
“Every country has limitations and it is difficult to create ICUs in the short run. Also, it’s not a question of beds alone but accompanying manpower and equipment as well,” she said.
Delhi is a badly hit state — where the state government has projected that 80,000 hospital beds would be needed for COVID-19 patients alone as the total cases could go up to 5.5 lakh by July end, suggesting that states will have to focus on avoiding a rapid surge in infections as catering to the deluge of patients could be simply impossible.
“In the last 24 hours in India, more than 3 lakh tests are being conducted and 4, 33,228 samples have been tested. India currently has 1,244 labs with 880 labs in the government sector and 364 in the private sector,” said the Council. Per million populations, India has the very lowest death case, said Harsh Verdhan.
Article Written By Sushree Sangeeta
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