In Conversation with Budding Author R.S Chaithanya

Chaithanya is a Budding Writer , Translator , YouTuber , Blogger , Song Writer , Language Trainer  – Specialized in English , Hindi & German and Online Tutor For Schools & Colleges in and around Tamil Nadu .She  completed My BA English Literature in Madurai Kamaraj University . She is pursuing MA English At Pondicherry University. She has received  Rabindranath Tagore Literature Award , Nari Prathibha Samman Award & Yuva Kala Bharathiya Kendra Award. Let us know more about her in this interview.

Q1) Every author has a story from where they begun their writing journey . Tell us about the start of your journey .

Ans :Today I greet my keypad with a very pleasant endeavor. Writing about my journey of writing, It’s like the writer within has so much to say and yet, I find myself speechless! I reckon my writer’s journey began as a twelve year old girl who thoroughly enjoyed writing her diary entries & poems. Likewise , My First Poetry named as “The Future”. No matter how the days went by me, my little mind occasionally enjoyed putting it into words.  Joyous, saddening, dramatic, my mind was gradually trained to pen down all that I felt. This is what writing has meant to me; it helps  my complex emotions and add an emotional appeal to my rationality. I believe in my metaphorical spectacles that embellish the  worldview. As a writer, I’ve learnt to put on a lens to compliment that. My graduation days at Fatima College(MKU) truly enabled me to add different colors to my lens. The initial hand holding must all be credited to my parents who boosted me to just start, wherever I am, with whatever I have. They are my two pillars of support and strength. Another very special mention here would be for Ms.Franklin & Ms.Amala Shali ma’am’s , my mentors – Both are the true embodiment of the phrase “Empowered womens” in my life. And My Periyappa Prof.Mr.Mohan & My Beloved School Teacher Mrs.Diana & Ms.MariAmmal – All of them “Endlessly Encouraged Me To Fly With Colors Upon The Sky”. Then , My Best Friend R.Sarojini , Who Continuously encourages me to write a lot , She is my “Constant Star” & “Incarnating Love” of my life . I wouldn’t be half the writer I am today , if it weren’t for theirs full guidance and kind, motivational words that made me believe in myself . I’m inclined to say that writing is a skill that I feel comes naturally to me. As I “garnered exposure” through my college days, and more specifically as a student of English Literature , I was sensitized to articulate my views on what was happening around me. The ride so far has been nothing short of a roller coaster. I adorn a paradoxical mixed basket of both celebrated articles with heartiest congratulations, but also some rejections and tears. After I completed UG Studies , I was invited as the post of Guest Lecturer And from PG Studies – Idhaya College of Arts and Science For Women (PU) , I was nominated as the Magazine Editor.. I still remember that day waiting outside the conference room for my interview, with my Friend S.Shanmuga Priya , butterflies in my stomach. It felt like there was nothing that I could want more than to be heading those big postings that has helped me evolve as a “writer”.  My journey has exemplified for me that failures teach us equally, if not more than our glorious successes.One of the painful struggle , I went through is my father’s death when was just 17 years old. Then , I took up the responsibility to lead my family along with my Granny & Mother. The more I read, the more I seek and the more I write, the more clarity I find. Over the last few months, I had my pieces featured on prominent platforms like The House of Publishers , The Wordings  and Quil House Publishers , Storymirror Publishers , Banaras Hindu University Magazine. I wrote about societal issues based on love , Women & Child Centric , Some Fantasy , etc…,. Attempting to present a perspective on such significant topics made me realize the responsibility that is bestowed on my words as a writer. In the early days of my exploration I believed my opinions should be ‘perfect’ and ‘bullet proof’.The first step is often the most dreaded one to take, but once we embrace the ups and downs, the journey becomes have the patience to reach the final draft, but also be courageous enough to start with the first draft. When I started writing a piece, I try to emulate the mindset of the great thinker Socrates: ” The only this I know is that I know nothing”.Even other writers like Ruskin bond , Chetan Bhagat inspired me a lot. It helps me stay open to differing views and encapsulate the essence of the issue holistically.

Q2) A lot of young authors wants to have a career in writing but feel underconfident at times. What would be your advice to them ?

Ans :Yes , There are some tips to overcome underconfident in writing skills: Buy a Brand New Notebook , Take a Clean blank page , Color Up Your Thoughts Into It As A Story , Make Changes , Turn Pages To Scribble lot , likewise Life has also have some Realistic Exploration Time to cover up the Confidence Level , just need to sit and think about it and give it out a result to the world. Or Else , If you feel uncomfortable and under confident then it’s good sign to leave that task there. With practice and patience, keep doing what matters to your life. Things will get simplified. Then , Do Meditation , Try new things , Don’t undue pressure , build your vocabulary skills , listen to motivational talks , Set a Track to your writing & move on…,.

Q3) Is there any message you want to give to the readers?

Ans: Final Message : Am able to connect with my readers and to offer possible answers to complex questions has been incredibly enriching, and yet challenging. I’m thankful that I have been able to find my voice in my pieces, while simultaneously becoming more informed and my readers have been able to resonate with my thoughts. “A book is only the beginning for a writer. A reader completes it, and you are an example of this”. Thank you for taking the time to read and giving me honest feedbacks.

Q4) Tell us something about your hobbies and why do you think hobbies are important for a person ?

Ans : My hobbies are Reading Books , Writing Short Stories , Poems , Collection Coins & Stamps , Playing Piano , Singing , Song writing , Composing Rhythms , Drinking Black Tea ,  Learning languages , Translating , Gardening , Camping , Journaling ,  Yoga & Other Sports Activities. Some of my hobbies became my profession like Writing Short stories , Poems , Song Writing , Translating , Piano , Singing , etc.. Hobbies are important because , according to me it gives mind relaxation , eradicate boredom , increase happiness , improve social connections , build creativity , clear goal setting & better problem solving capability.

Q5) You have  received  Rabindranath Tagore Literature Award , Nari Prathibha Samman Award & Yuva Kala Bharathiya Kendra Award. What kept you inspired for these endeavors ?

Ans : “Writing is like muscle” , the more you write the more you inspire – An everyday exercise for life.  The Hardwork so far I have done in writing skills , inspired me to receive these many awards at a early age.  I have written nearly 7 Anthologies namely , ” Isn’t Just A Dream , Galaxy of Words , Life of Lilies Vol.2 , Scribbles and Papercuts , Limerence Vol.1, Leaves and Thorns Vol.1 , A scent of words “, 2 Picture stories  namely Anil Playing With His Monster Hat , Sparrows Flying In A Rainbow Direction , 1 Translated Magazine – Minimal Contains Marco Sagurna’s Poems – From German To Hindi – English Translated by me , etc…,. For these endeavors I got the appreciation from various people from different places. Though , first & many times , I was rejected but I never leave hope in me , I kept faith & love towards my Work , God , Parents , My mentors & Two Friends who motivated me to come up again , finally one day I got succeeded & am earning royalties too. “I Stand on My Leg” for this Passionate Profession as a “Writer”.   Now the world praises me well. So , “There is nothing I’m possible in this world , Just say ” Winners don’t do different things, they do things differently”.  Only lines from “Shiv kehra & My Father’s Everyday Quote” inspired me to “Stand here in front of you all” , because My father inspired me in my life he faced so many problems in life but he never gave up and do smart work for me.



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