Parag Ray is a business development executive and presales consultant, and the author of The Career Creator – It’s you for yours. Parag is a public speaker who spends most of his leisure time in reading books, articles, writing blogs and creating comics. His latest work is reflecting a framework which shows a rational path towards building the professional career without any internal confliction and mental biasness. He is an MBA in Marketing & Finance having interest towards research-oriented works in the specific domain and published various research papers in both national & international journals. Parag is a winner of Leadership Excellence Award from toastmaster international. He has won Triple Crown award in public speaking, mentoring to a few school students as a part of VECTOR voluntary initiative. Interview Times had a detailed conversation with him, below are the answers he responded to the questionnaire,
Q1-What inspired you start writing?
ANSWER: Initial days of my learning I was more into reading lots of content from various resources like, magazines (Business, Technology & Personal Care), Story books and it moved to various blogs and research papers in later point of time. Apart from reading I listen to lot of people’s ideas and opinion and speeches on various platforms.
These inputs polished my thought process and enriched my perception, ideas and way of looking at everything. I discover my continuous learning habit is helping me finding solutions to maximum problems with a rational approach.
In the period of time when I met people across globe both physically &virtually, I understood that the entire world is looking for inputs, suggestions, ideas and support in every sphere of life (Both personal & professionals).
This made me think, to put my thought process and ideas in words and help the world, which is meant for all demographics. My inspiration to write starts from other’s eagerness to read & learn.
I always feel the whole world is seeking for solutions for their problems. I want to help them with my suggestions and ideas so it motivated me to start writing and spread my words all over the world.
Q2-What is your basic style of writing?
ANSWER: Frankly speaking I have not yet explored this area of my writing in a very prominent way. However, I love to make my reader aware of the actual successive process and maters that will bring win-win situation to them.
By this I feel my writing can be considered in Persuasive Style category, where my words are used more in convincing voice for the readers. I use this style to help the readers in understanding the solutions for their common issues, of course aligning the theme of my book.
In my writings I always try to show both side of the available solution and approach. I always make sure that reader should take their own decision interns of finding the proper way by understanding the actual scenarios. My style of writing is hidden in the way I use my words and examples.
So, I found myself a bit of augmentative in my writing, and I love it because, this style of writing empowers the readers with inputs and make them able to take their own decision with the correct approach according to them.
Q3-What you prefer to write, fiction or thriller?
ANSWER: Currently I am more focused in writing management & leadership-themed books. This will help readers finding the actual solutions in real world. Even my upcoming book “The Career Creator” is meant to empower students to professionals in finding their dream job and aspired roles.
If I decide to explore any other types of books then I will prefer to write a romantic novel. It is because I really want to do a research on this area and try to discover the actual meaning of love.
Whichever romantic novels I have read till now, I have found a living soul and its feelings & emotions. So, I want to try this area and picturize a story or a real event with fictional characters to express my understanding on this theme. I will prefer to write a fictional romantic novel with a thriller story line in it.
I believe not only romantic novels but also, a novel projecting a particular emotion has a real power to make the reader feel this and find the same comparison in his/her personal life.
Q4- What difficulties do you face during writing?
ANSWER: I will prefer to say it as challenges rather difficulties and I always try to overcome these challenges during my writing time duration. In the initial period of my writing, I spent bit of more time for building the story line for the book.
The alignment of each and every concept should come in proper place and it should align with the story line. After doing bit of self-brain storming and identifying my target audience, I had able to find the proper structure of my book.
For an author, finding a proper time of a day to write is always a challenging task. I faced the same as well. However, I was able to find that period of the day when I could enjoy the calmness and distraction from surrounding and focused on my writing. I believe to turn each challenge into opportunity and use it.
Q5- What is the definition of success for you?
ANSWER: For me success comprises of 3 essential factors. Wellbeing, Love for the work, economically sufficient. If you will try to understand my definition, you will get a clear picture of success as it aligns with the very existence of human civilization.
The very first day when man was living in forest, he found himself successful at the discovery of fire & wheel. Time passes, again he found himself successful when he started to use leaf to cover its body.
Similarly, the actual success is lying when the very basic needs met by someone. However currently people try to find success by achieving more and more in the same category.
It may be health wellbeing, Love for the Work, Economically sufficient.
I do not agree on the above statement. So being successful should be defined and identified by meting all the essential human needs in a very nominal way. So, I define success in the same way as it has been defined at the very beginning of human civilization.
Q6- What are your hobbies?
ANSWER: I am a person having multiple hobbies. Apart from writing and reading I always love to paint and sketch. In this category I do jewelry sketches and currently I am putting my time for sketching comics. And the theme of each sketch is a learning form a particular book
In another hobby I love to read and research on scientific evidence in our Indian mythology and the scriptures.
It would look funny but it’s true that one of my hobbies is spending time on my personal grooming. I spend the good amount of time every day for it. As an extension of it, I love to shop of course new clothes from discounted price in whole sale stores.
For me my hobbies are my life, I live my life the most when I actually into my hobbies.
Q6- What message you want to share with the readers who want to become like you?
ANSWEER: To my readers, I just want to say, you should have a particular goal in your life, and you should work towards it for significant period of time, and this is very much essential to live a particular time for a particular purpose with peace and a proper engagement.
The readers who want to become like me I just want to say them, don’t try to be someone else rather work for build your own identity with your uniqueness.
Believe in yourself and you are the unique one among all the living being in the world. My words to my readers are, you should put your continuous effort on your in polishing your strength and create your own audience.
Having a role model is always good, following your model is always appreciable, however one should not try to mould himself or herself as someone else.
Q8- What are your future ambitions?
ANSWER: As an author my ambition is to utilize all the available resources currently with me for sending my voice and making sure my ideas and thought process are reaching out to all the audience out there.
Image Courtesy: Parag Ray