Heeraben Modi, the mother of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, had her final rites done on Friday morning at a crematorium in Gandhinagar. At the U.N. Mehta hospital in Ahmedabad, where she had been taken on Wednesday for various heart-related issues, Heeraben died suddenly. The “agnidah” was presented by Narendra Modi and his older brother Somabhai to Heeraben’s mortal remains.At the crematorium, former chief minister Shankersinh Vaghela offered the prime minister his personal condolences.
Early in the morning, the Prime Minister flew in from Delhi to pay his mother flower tributes. In order to show respect for the departed soul, the town of Vadnagar will be closed today. The Vadnagar Traders Association has pleaded with its participants to keep their shutters closed. Nitin Gadkari, the Union Surface and Transport Minister, tweeted in remembrance of the deceased, “May his soul rest in peace. I pray to God to give strength to the family to withstand the pain.”
“Deeply saddened to learn about the demise of Heeraben Modi,” said Mallikarjun Kharge, the president of the Congress party. My deepest sympathies go out to Narendra Modi on the passing of his cherished mother. In this time of loss, the entire family is in our thoughts and prayers. Yogi Adityanath, the chief minister of Uttar Pradesh, expressed sympathy and said, “For any son’s mother in the world, mother’s death is excruciating for any son, I am heartbroken to hear the news.”
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