Incredible Transformative Initiatives Taken By Revenue & DM Dept

The Revenue and Disaster Management Department has undertaken incredible transformative initiatives after the introduction of the 5T Charter & “Mo Sarkar” by the Chief Minister, said Pramila Mallick, Minister, of Revenue and Disaster Management. The Department has taken multiple initiatives to reduce physical interface & minimize the requirement of any visit to Revenue field offices Mallick added.

The Minister informed that the Department provides an array of services, which are completely online except in cases of statutory requirement. Similarly, in Certificate Services, the timeline under ORTPS Act has been reduced. For example, in the case of the Resident & Income Certificate timeline has been reduced from 15 days to 10 days. The quick delivery of various Miscellaneous & Caste Certificates has been possible due to process re-engineering on the application side, doing away with RI enquiry in certain cases and an efficient online application, the Minister added.

Mallick pointed out that the Department has taken steps to deliver Miscellaneous & Caste certificates free of cost & based on self-declaration.

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