National Girl Child Day: Importance, History, Events

Since 2008 only, In India every year January 24 is observed as National Girl Child Day.

The celebrations across the country are led by the Ministry of Women and Child Development.

The objective of the day is to spread awareness among the public about inequities faced by girls in Indian society, to promote awareness about the rights of the girl child and the importance of female education, health, and nutrition.

With several campaigns and programs of the government like Beti Bachao Beti Padhao, Save the Girl Child, free/ subsidised education, and reservations for women in colleges and universities.

National Girl Child Day is celebrated with events and programs based on annual themes. In 2019, the theme was ‘Empowering Girls for a Brighter Tomorrow’. ‘My voice, our common future’ in 2020. In 2021, the theme for Day was ‘Digital Generation, Our Generation’.

As part of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav, this year, Ministry of Culture is organising an event called ‘Umang Rangoli Utsav’, In this event, the participating teams will design Rangoli decorations at over 50 special locations across the nation.

Kilometres long Rangoli decorations will be drawn on the streets and squares, roundabouts named after female freedom fighters or female role models of the country.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi will virtually interact with and felicitate the awardees of the Pradhan Mantri Rashtriya Bal Puraskar (PMRBP) today, in the presence of Union Women and Child Development Minister Smriti Zubin Irani and Minister of State Munjpara Mahendrabhai.

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