Since when did you start writing or had interest in writing?
My 15years old younger self was poor in English literature and in English vocabulary too! I scored less in the subject. So for improving my Literature I started learning new words and simultaneously I wrote poems, articles for school magazines. I saw improvement in my marks.More over I realized loved framing words in poems on random everyday scenarios. Since then the journey has been a roller coaster one. I write for months and then I face writer’s block too. This cycle has been unapologetically consistent. But I know writing is my therapy. I have never stopped nor I will.
You have curated the book “ I am Love” . Tell us how you came up with the theme and what was your thought behind it ?
My poems and stories are versatile enough for all genres, may it be romance, social cause, horror or erotic. But I dwell more smoothly in the genre of romance. So I was sure my first book will be on romance.
The theme of the book was kind of extra ordinary. The extra was, it didn’t confine to one form of love. It comprises all forms of love we go through in the course of reaching ‘a happily ever after’.
The 9 stages of love I penned down in my 55 poems will certainly relate to each one of us in many ways.A Heart broken one will relate the pain and go through self love to give love one more chance.A Happy couple will love how love is a magic to witness till forever dies.Therefore,I wished everyone should admire the emotion love in all it’s forms no matter which stage of love you relate to.
You have won several eminent awards be it the Bharatiya Sahitya Mahotsav Award , Tagore Commemorative Ward 2022 award and many more . How was your experience and tell us about all the hard work that went into this process?
The Awards came like a kiss of unexpected Luck. When I got a message from the Ne8x official that they have nominated me for the Best Debut Author Of the Year 2022,I was startled. This was then followed by the awards. My happiness knew no bounds. My first solo book and these awards became my cherry on the cake.
Amidst the duty hours in hospital, the efforts to allign the poems in perfect emotions, perfect symmetry and perfect editings was real.Along with my hardwork and emotions behind this book,the team of Fanatixx Publication also owes a lot of appraisals.If my poems are the art then it’s them who made the art look lively in all aspects.
Moreover,I am happy with the stars shinning on my pen and paper.
What is your favorite genre for reading ? Tell us about some of your favorite books.
Ans. I am an avid reader of books with Romance Genre.I have read all the books of Nicholas Sparks,Colleen Hoover,Ravinder Singh,Durjoy Datta.I can read these n number of times also.But ‘I too had a love story’, ‘A Walk to remember’ and ‘It ends with us’ will always be my favourite.
Any advice you want to give to the youth who want to work on their solo books.
Ans. One thing I shall always say ; the moment you realize writing is your art of expressing emotions, just don’t stop irrespective of any circumstances. Big or small, Good or bad just pen down the emotions. It heals you and can heal others too. Keep on writing and when you get the adrenaline rush to publish your own book, go for it.It might seem a hard way, but good things won’t be easy. When you see your name in the book cover, that feeling is surreal. So don’t hold your self back.Give your heart into your pen and you will create magic surely.