“Now You Breathe “- The First Hand Help in your internal Fights

Rakhi Kapoor’s gift to Today’s generation

In 2022 a lot of us have actually faced the internal struggles ,that were kept hidden within us for years. We have often heard about “Toxic Relationships “ and “Abuse”. However we do take long time to actually come to terms with it. In the book “ Now You Breathe” the author starts with a line “Not all  wounds are visible.” This line instantly creates a connect with the authors.

The key part of the book is it helps in identifying – “ If any kind of relationship ,you are involving yourself in has toxic traits or not “. A solution of every situation can only be found if you can identify the problem this book is your first hand help in that “. We surely have come across “Narcissist behavior “ and at some point of time it has always made you take a backstep be it in your career , work or in your personal life. “Now you Breathe” actually takes down your overthinking in these lines and simplifies it to actually work on solutions for the same.

It also makes a focus on “ What you see – is not what the actuality is .” It breaks the ice of how some people have a mask and make you feel differently about yourself which is indeed harmful for you.

This book is definitely an eye opener and a must read for everyone . “Let us take a note that be it your internal struggles or the struggles you have voiced out ,it is very difficult for reaching out to help.”

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